Fetch Account Details

You might want to implement this if you to determine if a user (with a merchantUserId) is on PhonePe or not.

  1. Construct the URL as follows:
String apiUrl = "/v3/account/" + <merchantId> + "/" + <merchantUserId> + "/summary";
  1. Select one of the salts shared with you and note it’s index. Construct the Checksum as follows:
String checksum = sha256(apiEndPoint + salt) + ### + saltIndex;
  1. Construct the request as follows:
let request = PPSFetchUserDetailsRequest(
  apiEndPoint: <#API-End point received by your server#>, 
  checksum: <#Checksum received by your server#>)
PhonePeSDK.shared().fetchUserDetails(for: request) { (originalRequest, result) in
    //Determine whether or not the merchant specific user is on PhonePe
    if result.isUserOnPhonePe {
PPSFetchUserDetailsRequest *request = [[PPSFetchUserDetailsRequest alloc]    
     initWithApiEndPoint:<#API-End point received by your server#> 
     checksum:<#Checksum received by your server#>];
[[PhonePeSDK shared] fetchUserDetailsForRequest:request completion:^(PPSFetchUserDetailsRequest * originalRequest,
    PPSFetchUserDetailsResult * result) {
    //Determine whether or not the merchant specific user is on PhonePe
    if (result.isUserOnPhonePe) {