This is the second part post Subscription setup to charge the Redemption amount as per the subscription cycle chosen.
Redemption has 2 steps:
- Notify: This step is used to notify the user about the next payment debit.
- Execute: This step is to debit the amount from the user.
Host Details
Environment | Value |
UAT | |
PROD | |
API Endpoint
Complete Host URL
Http Method: POST
Environment | Value |
UAT | |
PROD | |
Request Details
Request Headers
Header Name | Header Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Authorization | O-Bearer <access_token> |
Note: access_token can be generated using the Auth Token API. Refer here
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Data Type | Description | Mandatory (Yes/No) | Constraints |
merchantOrderId | STRING | Unique merchant order id generated by merchant | Yes | Max Length = 63 characters No Special characters allowed except underscore “_” and hyphen “-“ |
amount | LONG | Order amount in paisa | Yes | The MAXIMUM debit/redemption amount for the mandate. The amount is in Paise. Note: ● For VARIABLE recurring debit, this amount would be considered as Max Cap Amount ● For PENNY_DROP flow, the amount should be greater than or equal to 200 (In Paise) ● For TRANSACTION flow, the amount should be greater than or equal to 100 (In Paise) |
expireAt | DateTime | Order expireAt epoch after which order will auto fail/skipped if not terminal. (in milliseconds) | No | Default Value – 48 hours |
paymentFlow.type | STRING | Type of payment flow | Yes | Possible Values ● SUBSCRIPTION_REDEMPTION |
paymentFlow.merchantSubscriptionId | STRING | Merchant reference subscription ID passed during setup of the subscription | Yes | |
paymentFlow.redemptionRetryStrategy | Redemption retry strategy in case attempts fail | No | Possible Values: ● STANDARD – Internal retries ● CUSTOM – Merchant needs to retry. Default Value – STANDARD | |
paymentFlow.autoDebit | Auto debit redemption 24 hours after notify success Can’t be true for CUSTOM redemptionRetryStrategy | No | Possible Values – true false Default Value – false | |
metaInfo | User defines fields propagated in status check & callbacks | No | Default Value – null |
Send the above payload and headers to the API via HTTP POST method.
Sample Payload
"merchantOrderId": "MO1709025691805",
"amount": 1000,
"expireAt": 1620891733101,
"metaInfo": {
"udf1": <some meta info of max length 256>
"udf2": <some meta info of max length 256>
"udf3": <some meta info of max length 256>
"udf4": <some meta info of max length 256>
"udf5": <some meta info of max length 256>
"paymentFlow": {
"merchantSubscriptionId": "MS121312",
"redemptionRetryStrategy": "CUSTOM",
"autoDebit": true
- If paymentFlow.redemptionRetryStrategy is passed as CUSTOM, then merchants has to retry the redemption until you get COMPLETED/FAILED (Terminal Status) . Maximum Time window for getting the terminal status is 48 hours and Maximum of 10 retries are allowed.
- If paymentFlow.redemptionRetryStrategy is passed as STANDARD, then PhonePe will take care of the internal retires for redemption. Maximum Time window for getting the terminal status is 48 hours and these retries are handled by PhonePe internally.
- Default Value – STANDARD
Sample CURL
curl --location '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: O-Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHBpcmVzT24iOjE3MTIyNTM2MjU2NDQsIm1lcmNoYW50SWQiOiJWMlNVQlVBVCJ9.7aVzYI_f_77-bBicEcRNuYx093b2wCsgl_WFNkKqAPY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"merchantOrderId": "MO1709025691805",
"amount": 1000,
"expireAt": 1620891733101,
"paymentFlow": {
"merchantSubscriptionId": "MS121312",
"redemptionRetryStrategy": "CUSTOM",
"autoDebit": true
Response from the API
"orderId" : "OMO12344",
"expireAt": 1707116484762
Response Parameters
Field Name | Description |
orderId | PhonePe reference order ID |
state | Order state |
expireAt | Expiry in Epoch Timestamp (in milliseconds) |