Base Url:
Sale Request API:
Header Name | Header Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
X-VERIFY | SHA256(base64 encoded payload + “/v1/edc/transaction/init” + salt key) + ### + salt index |
X-PROVIDER-ID | Used for the cases where the merchants are getting onboarded via their Providers |
X-CALLBACK-URL | Merchants need to pass their Callback URL to receive automated callbacks/ webhooks from Phonepe post performing transactions |
"merchantId": "MERCHANTUAT",
"storeId": "MS2403212004046998204201",
"orderId": "testorder1",
"terminalId": "MST2405301213090857163565",
"transactionId": "test_transaction1",
"amount": 200,
"paymentModes": [
"timeAllowedForHandoverToTerminalSeconds": 60,
"integrationMappingType": "ONE_TO_ONE"
"request": "ewogICJtZXJjaGFudElkIjogIk1FUkNIQU5UVUFUIiwKICAic3RvcmVJZCI6ICJNUzI0MDMyMTIwMDQwNDY5OTgyMDQyMDEiLAogICJvcmRlcklkIjogInRlc3RvcmRlcjEiLAogICJ0ZXJtaW5hbElkIjogIk1TVDI0MDUzMDEyMTMwOTA4NTcxNjM1NjUiLAogICJ0cmFuc2FjdGlvbklkIjogInRlc3RfdHJhbnNhY3Rpb24xIiwKICAiYW1vdW50IjogMjAwLAogICJwYXltZW50TW9kZXMiOiBbCiAgICAiQ0FSRCIsCiAgICAiRFFSIgogIF0sCiAgInRpbWVBbGxvd2VkRm9ySGFuZG92ZXJUb1Rlcm1pbmFsU2Vjb25kcyI6IDYwLAogICJpbnRlZ3JhdGlvbk1hcHBpbmdUeXBlIjogIk9ORV9UT19PTkUiCn0="
<html-block html=”
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
merchantId | String | Unique Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by PhonePe. Special chars allowed: UNDERSCORE | Yes |
storeId | String | Store Id of store. This will be a Phonepe generated storeId. Special chars allowed: UNDERSCORE | Yes |
terminalId | String | Terminal Id of a store and it would be unique for a store. This will be a Phonepe generated terminalId. TerminalId param is optional in case integrationMappingType: OPEN, and its mandatory in case integrationMappingType: ONE_TO_ONE. Special chars allowed: UNDERSCORE | Yes |
orderId | String | Billing System Order Id for which payment tender is generated. This param can be duplicated and multiple transactions can be initiated for single order. Special chars allowed: UNDERSCORE | Yes |
shortOrderId | String | BillingPOS generated shortOrderId for fetching order on EDC, it is mandatory only in case of integrationMappingType: OPEN, in other cases if shortOrderId passed in request, server with return error. ShortOrderID should be min 4 and max 8 digits. | No |
transactionId | String | Unique Transaction ID generated by the merchant and the length of transaction ID should be less than 40 characters. Special characters allowed: UNDERSCORE | Yes |
integrationMappingType | Enum | ONE_TO_ONE: In case Terminal is hardly-coupled to the Billing System. OPEN: In case Terminals are not hardly-coupled to Billing System and any terminal within the Store can fetch the generated request by passing the shortOrderId. | Yes |
timeAllowedForHandoverToTerminalSeconds | LONG | Sale request will remain alive for this duration( Range 60sec ), if sale request is not fetched by the Terminal in this duration it will auto expire. | No |
amount | LONG | Amount is in Paisa INR format and accepts LONG type value. | Yes |
paymentModes | List | Based on the payment modes passed in this list, a particular mode will only be accepted on EDC terminal. Valid payment modes: “CARD”, “DQR”. List can contain one or more valid payment modes & but List cannot be empty | Yes |
autoAccept | String | By default param is False, this implies when the sale request is pushed/pulled by the EDC terminal, a Pop-up will be shown to Cashier with basic details of request such as amount and TransactionId and Cashier can choose to confirm/reject the request. | No |
"success": true,
"code": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Your request has been successfully completed.",
"data": {
"merchantId": "MERCHANTUAT",
"transactionId": "test_transaction1",
"amount": 200
Http Status: 200 OK
//Reason: X-VERIFY header not constructed correctly
"success": false,
"message": "checksum verification failed",
"data": null
//Reason: Unique transaction id not passed in request
"success": false,
"message": "The transaction id you have entered seems to be invalid. [message = Duplicate transaction id]"
<html-block html=”
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
success | BOOLEAN | Success status of the request |
code | ENUM | See below section for list of codes |
message | STRING | Short message about status of request |
data | JSON Object | Data JSON Object |
Data JSON Object
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
merchantId | String | Unique Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by PhonePe |
transactionId | String | Unique Transaction ID generated by the merchant |
amount | LONG | Amount is in Paisa INR format |
<html-block html=”
Response Codes
Parameter Name | Description |
SUCCESS | Your request has been successfully completed |
SOLUTION_NOT_ENABLED | EDC Sale API is not enabled for the merchant |
UNAUTHORIZED | X-VERIFY SHA logic is incorrect |
INVALID_MERCHANT_ID | The merchant id is invalid or activated |
INVALID_STORE_ID | The passed Store Id is invalid |
INVALID_TERMINAL_ID | The passed Terminal ID is invalid |
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION_ID | The passed Transaction ID is duplicate in Sale API |
INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID | The format of Transaction ID is invalid |
INVALID_INTEGRATION_MAPPING_TYPE | The Integration_Mapping_Type param is having invalid fields |
INVALID_SHORTCODE_LENGTH | The shortCode length is not valid as per the API needs |
INTEGRATEDMODE_NOT_ENABLED_ON_TERMINAL | The Terminal is not in integrated mode |
SHORT_CODE_IS_REQUIRED | The Shortcode is mandatory as per the API needs |
SHORT_CODE_NOT_REQUIRED | Short Order Id is not required |
INVALID_TERMINAL_HANDOVER_TIME | No Active request exists. |
INVALID_AMOUNT | The amount value is not valid as per API needs |
INVALID_PAYMENT_MODES | The paymentModes is not valid |
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