<html-block html=”
Header Name | Header Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
X-VERIFY | SHA256(base64 encoded payload +”/v3/credit/backToSource” + salt key) + ### + salt index |
"merchantId": "MERCHANTUAT",
"transactionId": "TX123456789001",
"originalTransactionId": "TX123456XXXXX00",
"amount": 100,
"merchantOrderId": "OD1234",
"subMerchant": "DemoMerchant",
"message": "refund for cancelled order"
"request": "ewogICAgIm1lcmNoYW50SWQiOiAiRGVtb01lcmNoYW50IiwKICAgICJ0cmFuc2FjdGlvbklkIjogIlRYMTIzNDU2Nzg5IiwKICAgICJwcm92aWRlclJlZmVyZW5jZUlkIjogIlQyWFhYWFhYWFhYWFgiLAogICAgImFtb3VudCI6IDEwMCwKICAgICJtZXNzYWdlIjogInJlZnVuZCBmb3IgY2FuY2VsbGVkIG9yZGVyIgp9"
<html-block html=”
Parameter Name | Description | ||
merchantId String Mandatory | Unique Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by PhonePe | ||
transactionId String Mandatory | Unique Transaction ID created by merchant to track the refund request to PhonePe. This should be different from transaction ID of forward transaction. | ||
originalTransactionId String Mandatory | Transaction Id of forward transaction which needs to be reversed/refunded. You will get the details in the payload of Callback or Transaction_List API. | ||
providerReferenceId String Mandatory | PhonePe transaction Id of the original or forward payment. Note : You can use either the originalTransactionId or providerReferenceId. | ||
amount Long Mandatory | Reversal amount in paise. Upto a max of amount of original payment transaction. | ||
message _String Mandatory | Short message |
<html-block html=”
Parameter Name | Description | |
success Boolean | Success status of the request | |
code Enum | See list of response codes below | |
message String | Short message about code | |
transactionId String | Unique Transaction ID generated by the merchant to track this request to PhonePe | |
merchantId String | Unique Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by PhonePe | |
amount Long | Transaction amount in paise | |
status String | Status of the request | |
providerReferenceId String | PhonePe payment transaction id against which the reversal is to be done | |
payResponseCode String | PhonePe internal status code |
<html-block html=”
Code | Description |
BAD_REQUEST | Invalid request |
AUTHORIZATION_FAILED | X-VERIFY header is incorrect |
TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND | Original transaction not found. Possibly the transaction ID is incorrect or the forward payment was not successful. |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Something went wrong. Refund might get initiated (need to do check status with check transaction status API before retrying the refund) |
PAYMENT_SUCCESS | Payment is successful |
PAYMENT_ERROR | Payment failed |
PAYMENT_PENDING | Payment is pending. It does not indicate failed payment. Refund might get initiated (need to check status with check transaction status API before retrying the refund) |
TIMED_OUT | Refund timed out. Refund might get initiated (need to check status with check transaction status API before retrying the refund) |
DUPLICATE_TXN_REQUEST | If the transaction id is used already for refund request. |
EXCESS_REFUND_AMOUNT | If the amount requested for refund is more than forward payment or If refund is already done |
WALLLET_NOT_ACTIVATED | If the user has disabled the wallet. Contact user to know the source for refund. |
Note: Forward or Original Transaction is the Transaction done by the customer that you are trying to refund. For static QR, you will get the txn details in the Callback or Transaction_List API payload (which ever you are using).
{“method”:”post”,”url”:”/v3/credit/backToSource/”,”auth”:”required”,”results”:{“codes”:[{“name”:”Success Response”,”code”:”{\n \”success\”: true,\n \”code\”: \”PAYMENT_SUCCESS\”,\n \”message\”: \”Your payment is successful.\”,\n \”data\”: {\n \”transactionId\”: \”TX123456789\”,\n \”merchantId\”: \”DemoMerchant\”,\n \”amount\”: 100,\n \”status\”: \”SUCCESS\”,\n \”mobileNumber\”: \”9xxxxxxxxxx\”,\n \”providerReferenceId\”: \”PPXXXXX\”,\n \”payResponseCode\”: \”SUCCESS\”\n }\n}”,”language”:”json”,”status”:200},{“name”:”Failure Response”,”code”:”{\n \”success\”: false,\n \”code\”: \”INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID\”,\n \”message\”: \”The transaction id you have entered seems to be invalid.\”,\n \”data\”: {}\n}”,”language”:”json”,”status”:400}]},”examples”:{“codes”:[]},”apiSetting”:”64c244096688b200429110a5″,”params”:[{“name”:”request”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:””,”desc”:”base64 encoded payload”,”required”:true,”in”:”body”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5b71964460cf570003c05d98″},{“name”:”Content-type”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:”application/json”,”desc”:””,”required”:true,”in”:”header”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5b71964460cf570003c05d97″},{“name”:”X-VERIFY”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:””,”desc”:”SHA256(base64 encoded payload + \”/v3/credit/backToSource\” + salt key) + ### + salt index”,”required”:true,”in”:”header”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5b71964460cf570003c05d96″}]}