- Server to server callbacks are initiated from PhonePe server to the url provided by merchant when payment reaches to any terminal state (SUCESS or FAIL)
- To enable server to server callbacks you need to register your static callback url with PhonePe. This is a one time process. The URL should be HTTPS and running on the secured port 443.
- NOTE: When a static QR transaction is being performed by the customer either SUCCESS or FAIL, the callback response is being sent from phonepe server on the mapped callback endpoint/URL within 5 seconds of the transaction. Our servers need an acknowledgement as 200 OK success from your end orelse we consider that 1st attempt as FAILED callback and retry for the 2nd attempt. 3 retries are performed from the server side on the merchant’s callback endpoint/URL
The payload that is going to be sent to the merchant on the specified callback url will have a base64 encoded json.
Upon base64 decoding the response, you should get a json with format similar to the response returned by transaction status API.
This is the best case callback that would be sent from PhonePe server to the merchants’ server. In the event of a callback failure, the onus is on the merchants to use the transaction status API and take the transaction to closure.
Callback headers
Following are the response headers sent with a callback.
Header Name | Header Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
X-VERIFY[ Old Version(V1) Callback ] | SHA256(MerchantId+TransactionId+Amount+SaltKey) + ### + salt index ( This XVERIFY will be used for decoded JSON format callback response ) |
X-VERIFY[ Default Callback (V2) ] | SHA256(response + salt key) + ### + salt index ( This XVERIFY will be used for encoded callback response ) |
Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
success | BOOLEAN | true/ false |
code | ENUM (see list of codes below) | This parameter is used to decide if payment is success or failed |
message | STRING | Descriptive message |
transactionId | STRING | transactionId (if this is static QR then this will be generated by PhonePe) |
merchantId | STRING | Assigned merchantId |
amount | LONG | Amount in paisa |
updateTimestamp | LONG | Payment timestamp in epoch format |
providerReferenceId | STRING | PhonePe transactionId |
payResponseCode | STRING (Optional parameter to be sent in response) | More granular error codes for failure. |
paymentModes | List (Optional parameter to be sent in response) | Please see below for schema |
transactionContext | Object (Optional parameter to be sent in response) | Please see below for schema |
Server to Server Callback Response Codes
Code | Description |
PAYMENT_SUCCESS | Payment is successful for QR scan |
PAYMENT_ERROR | Payment failed for QR scan |
PAYMENT_DECLINED | Payment declined by customer |
PAYMENT_CANCELLED | Payment cancelled by merchant |
Payment Modes (Optional parameter to be sent in response)
Parameter Name | Description |
amount | Amount in paisa |
utr | UTR for UPI payments. |
Transaction Context (Optional parameter to be sent in response)
Parameter Name | Description |
qrCodeId | VPA |
storeId | Store Id |
terminalId | Terminal Id |
"message":"Your payment is successful.",
- Success/Failure of transaction should be dependent on the code in response parameters
- Cross-check the amount which has been passed in forward payment path(Accept payment API) and in the response of Server to Server callback.