SSO is a single sign-on flow which is a secure, fast, and convenient way for users to log into a merchant application. At some point of time, when the Merchant Switch needs to verify the identity of the user, it can use the SSO APIs to silently SignIn/SignUp the user. You can find the details at SSO.
"name": "Rohit Kumar",
"phoneNumber": "9888888888",
"primaryEmail": "[email protected]"(Can be verified or non verified)
User Flow
a.) User enters the APP. When his details are needed, he is shown a SSO popup.
b.) He can click on “Skip” or “Login”.
Example : In Box8, a user is asked for his consent.
c.) If he clicks on “Login”. He is autologin and can proceed to pay.
d.) If he clicks on “Skip” . He is shown a login page of the site where either he can create his account or he can login inside the platform.
Behind the scene – Merchant Integration Flow
a.) When a merchant calls a method fetchGrantToken, a user is shown below popup for his consent. The example is in the below image for Box8 consent is asked from a user.
b.) If a user clicks on “Login”, PhonePe will share his OTP verified number and user name to the merchant. The merchant should check if the number is already registered on their platform.
If the number is already registered then they should make user login inside there platform. If not then they should create the user account by the details shared by PhonePe and make him autologin. Without showing him any login screen.
c.) If a user clicks on “Skip”, the user must be shown merchants msite login screen, where a user can either log in or create his account.