<html-block html=”
Header Name | Header Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
X-VERIFY | SHA256(base64 encoded payload + “/v3/deeplink” + salt key) + ‘###’ + salt index |
X-CLIENT-ID | The default value will be merchant ID which will be unique for each merchant. |
{ "request": "ewoJInR5cGUiOiAiV0VCIiwKCSJ1dG1QYXJhbXMiOiB7CgkJInNvdXJjZSI6ICJzb3VyY2UiLAoJCSJtZWRpdW0iOiAibWVkaXVtIiwKCQkiY2FtcGFpZ24iOiAiY2FtcGFpZ24iCgl9LAoJImFwcFVuaXF1ZUlkIjogIk1FUkNIQU5UXzEyMzQzX1RSIiwKCSJhcHBFbnRyeUluZm8iOiB7CgkJInR5cGUiOiAiSFRUUCIsCgkJInVybCI6ICJodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1lcmNoYW50cGF5bWVudHBhZ2UuY29tIgoJfQp9" }
<html-block html=”
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Mandatory |
type | STRING | The default value will be WEB | Yes |
source | STRING | Source name, in case merchants wants to know the source of the deeplink. | Optional |
medium | STRING | Medium name. If a merchants wants to know what is the medium – website etc. | Optional |
campaign | STRING | Name of the campaign | Yes |
appUniqueId | STRING | A unique ID which will be shared by the Phonepe team | Yes |
type | STRING | The default value will be HTTPS | Yes |
url | STRING | The dynamic URL on which a user will be redirected to after clicking on the deeplink. | Yes |
<html-block html=”
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
success | BOOLEAN | Success status of the request |
code | ENUM | See list of response codes below |
data | Object | The URL received in the response is needed to be send on the message so the user. |
<html-block html=”
Code | Description |
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Something went wrong |
{“method”:”post”,”url”:”/v3/deeplink”,”auth”:”required”,”results”:{“codes”:[{“name”:””,”code”:”{\n \”success\”: true,\n \”data\”: {\n \”url\”: \”https://preprod.phon.pe/akk1hzl5\”\n }\n}\n”,”language”:”json”,”status”:200},{“name”:””,”code”:”{}”,”language”:”json”,”status”:400}]},”params”:[{“name”:”X-VERIFY”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:””,”desc”:”SHA256(base64 encoded payload + \”/v3/deeplink\” + salt key) + “###” + salt index”,”required”:false,”in”:”header”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5f364b79353a87001e3411e4″},{“name”:”X-CLIENT-ID”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:””,”desc”:”The default value will be merchant ID which will be unique for each merchant.”,”required”:false,”in”:”header”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5f364b79353a87001e3411e3″},{“name”:”Content-Type”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:””,”desc”:”application/json”,”required”:false,”in”:”header”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5f364b79353a87001e3411e2″}],”examples”:{“codes”:[]},”apiSetting”:”5da600be463ecf036287d7f3″}