Show Payments Page

<html-block html=”



(merchantName: string, context: object, imageURL: undefined/string, metaData: undefined/object): Promise
Description: An instance of this class needs to be created and sent to navigateToPage method to open PhonePe’s payment page.

<html-block html=”

Request Parameters


Parameter NameTypeDescription
merchantNamestringName of the merchant. This will be displayed in the PhonePe’s payments page.
contextobjectData sent by PhonePe server’s service initiate() call Initiate Service Request
imageURLundefined/stringURL for an image that reflects the merchant’s logo
metaDataarray of objectsThis data is shown in the PhonePe’s payments screen as a set of key-value pairs.
example :
“Name of Products”: “Ritz Carlton,Test, XYZ”
“Number of items”: “2”


//Dummy information
let merchantName = "DummyMerchant"
let imageURL = ""
//Any metadata to show on PhonePe's payment screen
let metadata = [{
    "Movie": "Avengers"
}, {"Seats": "3E, 4E, 5E"}]

sdk.openPaymentsPage(merchantName, context, null, imageURL, metadata).then((response) => {
  console.log("Payment was successful = " + response)
}).catch((err) => {
  console.log("Payment failed with error = " + err)
Promise resolve:

Promise reject:

<html-block html=”

Response Parameters


Promise resolve is called when the payment flow is complete.
Promise reject is called in case of an error.
The promise rejection reasons can be as follows:

PAYMENT_DISMISSUser pressed back button on the payments screen
PAYMENT_TIMEOUTWhen the payment timed out based on the timeout interval sent by merchant to PhonePe’s server in the payment initiate server call
PARAMS_INVALID_OR_INSUFFICIENTInvalid or insufficient Parameters sent.
INTERNAL_ERRORPhonePe’s Internal error