UAT Sandbox

What is UAT Sandbox?
The UAT Sandbox is used to simulate the end-to-end payment flows for online merchants. A template is a mapping of APIs and their mock responses using which merchants can simulate the scenarios like Success, Failure, and Pending.

Benefits of using the UAT Sandbox

  • Even when the PhonePe UAT server is down, the UAT Sandbox gives you a seamless user experience through which you will be able to test the end-to-end payment flow without any interruptions.

Steps for Standard Checkout Page

Follow the below steps to verify different payment methods on the Standard Checkout page.

  • Update the Host URL of UAT Sandbox for PG PAY and PG Check Status API:


Android/iOS Test App

  •  Download and install the PhonePe Test app to verify the flows in UAT.
    • Android – Download from here [Package Name: com.phonepe.simulator]
    • iOS –  Share the Email ID with the PhonePe Integration Team on the integration thread to send the invite via Firebase.

Untrusted Enterprise Developer in iOS

Since the release of iOS 9, testers will be required to “trust” your organization’s Apple Enterprise developer certificate, one-time, before running Beta distributions.

Testers will see the message “Untrusted Enterprise Developer” when running an app from an untrusted certificate and can trust it by following the steps outlined below on their device.

  • Navigate to Settings > General > VPN & Device Management.
  • Select the developer under the “Developer App” section.
  • Press “Trust [Developer]”.
  • Select “Trust“.

Test App Setup

  • Click on “Settings” and configure the “VPA for Collect” like @ybl that can be used for testing the UPI Collect Flow.
    Once the collect request is raised, then click on “Fetch Collect” to see the collect request in the PhonePe Test app and click “Pay” to complete the transaction.
  • Click on “Test Case Templates” to configure the Success, Failure, or Pending templates to receive the response accordingly.
    By default, the Success template will be set and you will always get the Success Response.

Configure Template

Download the Demo Video – Here

To configure the required template,

  • Open the PhonePe Test App- Select the “Test Case Templates” button.
  • Enter the “Merchant ID” and click “GET CONFIGURED TEMPLATES”
  • Enter the “Merchant ID” and click “GET CONFIGURED TEMPLATES” to fetch the current templates if already set. Else, you will get “No Template Configured”
    • For PG Integration – use the “Flow: Standard Checkout” to configure the required template for Success, Failure, or Pending scenarios

Steps to Configure Template

Make sure to set the right templates for the Standard Checkout integration.

The templates Standard Checkout integration starts with the KeyWord: “Paypage

Templates for each type of Payment Method

For Success - "Paypage QR Success"
For Success (Unmasked) - "Paypage QR Unmasked Success"
For Failure - "Paypage QR Failure"
For Pending - "Paypage QR Pending"
For Success - "Paypage UPI Collect Success"
For Success (Unmasked) - "Paypage UPI Collect Unmasked Success"
For Failure - "Paypage UPI Collect Failure"
For Pending - "Paypage UPI Collect Pending"
For Success - "Paypage Card Success"
For Failure - "Paypage Card Failure"
For Pending - "Paypage Card Pending"
For Success - "Paypage Netbanking Success"
For Failure - "Paypage Netbanking Failure"
For Pending - "Paypage Netbanking Pending"
For Success - "Paypage Mobile Intent Success"
For Failure - "Paypage Mobile Intent Failure"
For Pending - "Paypage Mobile Intent Pending"

Test Card Details

Credit Card

“card_number”: “4208585190116667”,
“card_type”: “CREDIT_CARD”,
“card_issuer”: “VISA”,
“expiry_month”: 06,
“expiry_year”: 2027,
“cvv”: “508”

Debit Card

“card_number”: “4242424242424242”,
“card_type”: “DEBIT_CARD”,
“card_issuer”: “VISA”,
“expiry_month”: 12,
“expiry_year”: 2025,
“cvv”: “936”

Note: The OTP to be used on the Bank Page: 123456

Test Net Banking Details

  • Always use “bankId”: “SBIN” for testing purposes in the request payload of PAY API.
  • Username: test
    Password: test
    and click “Submit” on the next screen.

Note: For testing transactions, the lower amount limit is defined as Rs.1/- and the upper amount limit is defined as Rs.1000/-. Please make sure your transaction requests are within these limits.