Refund Check Transaction Status

This API is used to check the status of the transaction using transaction id.
It is mandatory for the merchant to check the status of a transaction post callback from workflows. Once the customer is redirected back to the merchant website, merchants should check with their server if they have received the [Server-to-Server Callback](ref:server-to-server-callback-3) response. If not, it is mandatory to make a Transaction Status API check with PhonePe backend systems to know the actual status of the payment and, then accordingly process the result. * The payment status can be Success, Failed or Pending. When Pending, merchants should retry until the status changes to Success or Failed. S2S and Check Status API Handling
  • Once the customer is redirected back to the merchant website, merchants should check with their server if they have received the response. If not, it is mandatory to make a Transaction Status API check with PhonePe backend systems to know the actual status of the payment and, then accordingly process the result.
  • The payment status can be Success, Failed or Pending. When Pending, merchants should retry until the status changes to Success or Failed.
Check Status API – Reconciliation [MANDATORY] If the payment status is Pending, then Check Status API should be called in the following interval: The first status check at 20-25 seconds post transaction start, then Every 3 seconds once for the next 30 seconds, Every 6 seconds once for the next 60 seconds, Every 10 seconds for the next 60 seconds, Every 30 seconds for the next 60 seconds, and then Every 1 min until timeout (15 mins). <html-block html=”
Request Headers
Header NameHeader Value
X-VERIFYSHA256(“/v3/transaction/{merchantId}/{transactionId}/status” + saltKey) + “###” + saltIndex
<html-block html=”
Path Parameters
Parameter NameTypeDescriptionMandatory
merchantIdSTRINGUnique Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by PhonePeYes
transactionIdSTRINGMerchant transactionID for which status is to be fetchedYes
<html-block html=”
Response Parameters
Parameter NameTypeDescription
successBOOLEANA boolean to indicate the success/failure of the request.
codeENUMPlease see the list of Transaction Status Response Codes below. You should base your decision on this parameter.
messageSTRINGShort message about status of transaction
transactionId STRINGUnique Transaction ID generated by the merchant to track this request to PhonePe
merchantIdSTRINGUnique Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by PhonePe
amountLONGTransaction amount in paise
merchantOrderId STRINGMerchant Order Id Note: The merchantOrderId would be returned only when the merchantOrderId passed in API request is different from the transactionId.
providerReferenceIdSTRINGPhonePe transaction Id
paymentStateSTRINGPlease ignore this. Use “code” parameter to get latest status of transaction.
payResponseCodeSTRINGPhonePe internal status code. Please note this is a string value and new codes are likely to be added in the future. (Please don’t do the marshalling/unmarshalling into an enum for this at your side). This is an informative value.

Refund Status Response

    "success": true,
    "code": "PAYMENT_SUCCESS",
    "message": "Your payment is successful.",
    "data": {
        "merchantId": "UATMERCHANT",
        "transactionId": "TXREFUND1047",
        "providerReferenceId": "P2204061317483647785587",
        "amount": 100,
        "paymentState": "COMPLETED",
        "payResponseCode": "SUCCESS"
<html-block html=”
Transaction Status Response Codes
TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUNDPayment not initiated inside PhonePe
BAD_REQUESTInvalid request
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORSomething went wrong. Merchant needs to call Check Transaction Status to verify the transaction status.
PAYMENT_SUCCESSPayment is successful or In case of refund – Refund is successful.
PAYMENT_ERRORPayment failed
PAYMENT_PENDINGPayment is pending. It does not indicate failed payment. Merchant needs to call Check Transaction Status to verify the transaction status.
PAYMENT_DECLINEDPayment declined by user.
Cross-check the amount which has been passed in forward payment path(Accept payment API) and in the response of Check Transaction Status API.
{“method”:”get”,”url”:”/v3/transaction/{merchantId}/{transactionId}/status (Refund)”,”auth”:”never”,”apiSetting”:”5a1563aec32b6d002a16fb67″,”examples”:{“codes”:[]},”results”:{“codes”:[{“status”:200,”language”:”json”,”code”:”{\n \”success\”: true,/* Rely on success flag and\n code parameter as PAYMENT_SUCCESS for \n successful transaction */\n \n \”code\”: \”PAYMENT_SUCCESS\”,\n \”message\”: \”Your payment is successful.\”,\n \”data\”: {\n \”transactionId\”: \”TX123456789\”,\n \”merchantId\”: \”U123456789\”,\n \”amount\”: 100,\n \”merchantOrderId\”: \”OD162763132055338\”,\n \”providerReferenceId\”: \”PPXXXXXX\”,\n \”payResponseCode\”: \”SUCCESS\”,\n \”paymentState\”: \”COMPLETED\”/* This is an\n informative field. For making decisions\n rely on code field */\n }\n}”,”name”:”Success Response”},{“status”:200,”language”:”json”,”code”:”{\n \”success\”: false,\n \”code\”: \”TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND\”,\n \”message\”: \”No Transaction found with the given details.\”,\n \”data\”: {}\n}”,”name”:”Error Response”}]},”params”:[{“name”:”merchantId”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:”M2306160483220675579140″,”desc”:”Unique Merchant ID assigned to the merchant by PhonePe”,”required”:false,”in”:”path”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5a16aa3038e7e00012818373″},{“name”:”transactionId”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:”1511522079″,”desc”:”Merchant transaction id for which status is to be fetched”,”required”:false,”in”:”path”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5a16aa3038e7e00012818372″},{“name”:”Content-Type”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:”application/json”,”desc”:””,”required”:true,”in”:”header”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5a16aa3038e7e00012818371″},{“name”:”X-VERIFY”,”type”:”string”,”enumValues”:””,”default”:”6ab24e24ae92646c82e0450f029478117d8a1a0a00390e266ea1178a0c68e419###1″,”desc”:”SHA256(\”/v3/transaction/{merchantId}/{transactionId}/status\” + saltKey) + \”###\” + saltIndex”,”required”:true,”in”:”header”,”ref”:””,”_id”:”5a16aa3038e7e00012818370″}]}