In this part we will talk about how you can integrate iOS SDK and initiate payment:
Quick Links
App Side Implementation
Prerequisites :
- XCode 12.5 or newer
- Cocoapod
- Onboarded on PhonePe as a Merchant (Given a MerchantID, Client Secret and version to generate the o-auth token )
iOS PG SDK setup
The PhonePePayment framework is needed for the SDK to work for both Sandbox (Testing) and Production (Deployment) environments.
- The PhonePePayment SDK is available through CocoaPods [Refer to this link ], Latest Phonepe iOS SDK Version: 4.0.1.
- To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'PhonePePayment'
then run :
pod install
Import the framework in your project using “import PhonePePayment”
Remove the “DirectPaymentSDK” from your project if you have already integrated and want to migrate to CocoaPods.
import PhonePePayment
iOS PG App Side Implementation
Step 1. In your Info.plist, create or append a new Array type node LSApplicationQueriesSchemes to append the following values:

Step 2. Create DeepLink Schema
Create a URLType for your app (Deeplink), if not already present.
For example, we have used: iOSIntentIntegration. (You can create your own identifier for your app)

URLScheme should match the below conditions :
- Only Alphabets (lower and upper case) and numbers are allowed.
- We can allow special characters only like dot and Hyphen
- The name should always start with alphabets.
- The schema should be correct to redirect the app otherwise it will not redirect back to the merchant app.
To Enable Debug Logs
Update the PPPayment.enableDebugLogs = true or enableLogging flag to true in startPG method.
Environment :
for Live.Production
for Sandbox testing.Sandbox
Step 3. Initialize the PG SDK
let ppPayment = PPPayment(environment: .production,
flowId: "FLOW_ID",
merchantId: "MERCHANT_ID")
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
environment | Enum | .production for Production.sandbox for PreProd |
flowId | String | Pass the merchant user Id or the unique string (UUID().uuidString) for every init for analytics purposes. |
merchantId | String | The merchant Id provided by PhonePe |
enableLogging | Boolean | [Optional Parameter] – True (To enable the SDK logs) – False (To disable the SDK logs) Note: In Prod, make sure to set as False. |
- Initialize the PPPayment with the environment and pass the PhonePe generate orderId and token which was received in response of Create order API from your backend. SDK will handle the request & get back the response.
- After the payment is complete and a callback is received back to your app on the completionHandler, Check the status of the transaction with your backend.
Standard Checkout
Example :
public func startCheckoutFlow(merchantId: String, orderId: String, token: String, appSchema: appSchema, on viewController: UIViewController, completion: @escaping PhonePePayment.PPTransactionCompletion)
ppPayment.startCheckoutFlow(merchantId: merchantId,
orderId: orderId,
token: token,
appSchema: appSchema,
on: vc) { _, state in
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
merchantId | String | Provided by PhonePe |
orderId | String | The PhonePe Order ID received in the Create Order API response. |
token | String | The order token received in the Create Order API response. |
In your appdelegate, check for a callback from the phonepe app and if found, pass it to the sdk.
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
let handled = PPPayment.checkDeeplink(url, options: options)
if handled {
// Phonepe is handling this, no need for any processing
return true
//Process your own deeplinks here
return true
After the method calls, you will get the control in the completion block.
Once the redirection back to the merchant app then back to the Order Status API /check for webhook response accordingly update the original status to Users.
Server Side Implementation
Step 1. Fetch Auth Token
Merchants to check whether the valid Auth Token is present already. If not, the Fetch Auth Token API should be called to get the valid Auth Token.
Step 2. Call the Create Order API
Merchants should call Create Order API for Order creation with the valid Auth Token from the merchant Backend side by passing the required details. PhonePe backend will pass the Order Token in response to the merchant Backend.
Step 3. Pass the Order Token and Order ID to frontend
Merchant should pass the Order Token and Order ID received in the Create Order API response to the frontend application which will further passed to the SDK method: ppPayment.startCheckoutFlow.
Step 4. Check the payment status
Once the payment is completed, merchants should check with the backend server if the Webhook has been received or not.
- If not, merchants should call the Order Status API to fetch the current payment status.
- If the status is terminal status like: COMPLETED or FAILED, the the order status can be updated accordingly.
- If incase, the status is PENDING, then merchants should call the Order Status API at regular intervals like every 15 secs or 30 secs or 1min once till the terminal status is reached.
Release Notes
- 4.0.1 – Added support for three more UPI Apps – CRED, AMAZON, BHIM.