This API is used to check the refund status.
Host Details
Environment | Http Method | Value |
UAT | GET | |
PROD | GET | |
/payments/v2/refund/{merchantRefundId}/status – Endpoint is common for UAT and Production.
Complete Host Details
Environment | Http Method | Value |
UAT | GET |{merchantRefundId}/status |
PROD | GET |{merchantRefundId}/status |
Request Details
Copied !
Request Headers
Header Name | Header Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Authorization | O-Bearer <access_token> |
Header details :
- Content-Type – Its value should be always application/json, meaning this API responds to only when content is in format of application/json
- Authorization – This should be the auth token that you have received from the Auth API.
Response Details
Copied !
Response Headers:
Header Name | Header Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Response Payload:
Case 1: Original source of transaction = UPI
"originalMerchantOrderId": "Order123",
"amount": 100,
"state": "COMPLETED",
"timestamp": 1730869961754,
"refundId": "OMR7878098045517540996",
"errorCode": "", // Only present in case of ERROR
"detailedErrorCode": "", // Only present in case of ERROR
"splitInstruments": [
"amount": 100,
"rail": {
"type": "UPI",
"utr": "586756785",
"upiTransactionId": "YBL5bc011fa9f8644763b52b96a29a9655",
"vpa": "abc@ybl"
"instrument": {
"type": "ACCOUNT",
"maskedAccountNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXX7728",
"accountType": "SAVINGS"
Case 2: Original source of transaction = PPE_INTENT
"originalMerchantOrderId": "Order123",
"amount": 500,
"state": "COMPLETED",
"timestamp": 1730869961754,
"refundId": "OMR7878098045517540996",
"errorCode": "", // Only present in case of ERROR
"detailedErrorCode": "", // Only present in case of ERROR
"splitInstruments": [
"rail": {
"type": "UPI",
"utr": "586756785",
"upiTransactionId": "YBL5bc011fa9f8644763b52b96a29a9655",
"vpa": "abc@ybl"
"instrument": {
"type": "ACCOUNT",
"maskedAccountNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXX7728",
"accountType": "SAVINGS"
"amount": 400
"rail": {
"type": "WALLET"
"instrument": {
"type": "WALLET"
"amount": 100
Response Field Details:
Header Name | Data Type | Description |
originalMerchantOrderId | String | original merchant order id against which refund is initiated |
amount | String | Amount in paisa to refund |
state | String | refund state, Expected values = [PENDING, CONFIRMED, COMPLETED, FAILED] |
timestamp | Long | Transaction attempt timestamp in epoch (in milliseconds) |
refundId | String | Refund Id generated by PhonePe |
errorCode | String | Error code (Only present when transaction state is failed) |
detailedErrorCode | String | Detailed Error Code (Only present when transaction state is failed) |
splitInstruments.rail | String | Contains processing rail details under which payment attempt is made. |
splitInstruments.rail.type | String | Type of rail. Expected values = [UPI, PG] |
splitInstruments.instrument | String | Contains instrument details |
splitInstruments.instrument.type | String | Type of payment instrument. Expected values = [ACCOUNT, CREDIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD, NET_BANKING] |
NOTE: Order status and refund api are common for SDK and Direct integration