Process of going live on Switch

This documentation will brief on step by step process of an Application going live on Switch. Once the integration is completed :

Step 1Sharing build with PhonePe integration teamA merchant needs to share
a.) Static URL, b.) whitelisted domains and c.) commented test cases to PhonePe integration team.
Step 2UAT TestingThe PhonePe integration team will test the flow and raise all the bugs to the merchant. After all the issues are resolved, the team will give UAT integration sign off.

Unless all the mandatory issues of UAT integration expectations are not resolved, the team will not be able to provide the signoff and move to next step.

Step 3MID creation and Sharing details to merchantOnce merchant aggrement is closed, PhonePe team will share :
a.) Merchant ID
b.) Key and salt
which needs to be deployed at merchants production environment.
Step 4Production credentials and OnboardingPhonePe team will share production merchant id, keys and salt after business agreement is closed.
A merchant needs to deploy the code, test the flow and fill the form as mentioned here, filling all the information for a merchant to go live.
Step 5Production TestingThe PhonePe integration team will test the flow and raise all the bugs to the merchant. After all the issues are resolved, the team will give production integration sign off. And make the app live on the next release day(tuesday and thursday).


An application can be made live on Tuesday and Thursday.