Step by Step Guide for SSO flow

Step 1 : Download JS SDK

a.) Download the JS SDK of PhonePe using the npm package. The details can be found here.

Step 2 : Create PhonePe instance

b.) Create an instance of PhonePe which can be accessed globally, on all the pages of the merchant website. The details can be found here.
  .then((sdk) => { //Get the instance of the sdk })


let sdk = await

Step 3 : Call fetchAuthToken()

c.) Call fetchAuthToken to fetch the grant token at the client-side. The details can be found here. => {
	sdk.fetchAuthToken().then((res) => {
		console.log("Grant token data received = " + res)
	}).catch((err) => {
		console.log("Error occurred while fetching the grant token: " + err)

As soon as SSO fetchAuthToken is called the below pop up will be seen on UI.

Once the above SSO pop up is shown to the user, a user can

Case 1: Click on login.

In this case grantToken is sent in response, which is used to call getAuth API to fetch the access token.

Case 2: Click on Skip.

If a user clicks on “Skip”. He is shown a login page of the site where either he can create his account or he can login inside the platform.

//If a user clicks on login, promise is resolved :  

Promise resolve:
    "grantToken": "GRT8616a8396e9b3a0899a2a6b06a3845cf0ad3521d0c4a0d5194404fba21a00b7a",
    "expiryInSeconds": 86400

//If a user clicks on Skip, promise is rejected : 

Promise reject:
  "error_code": "NETWORK_ERROR"

Calling fetch Access token (Backend API)

d.) In case a user clicks on login, the grant token is sent at the client-side, which is used to fetch the access token. The details can be found here.

Creating Curl request : 

a.) URL :

b.) Create curl request body

The grant token which was fetched in the fetchAuthToken() method 

Base encode the above using the link(

The base 64 value of 
} is equal to :  


Send the base encoded value in the "request" key as below . Example : 

  "request": "ewoJImdyYW50VG9rZW4iOiJHUlRlMDk4YmQ1NDAxNzY3NTd5YmJuaHU4NzkxMjVlYmVjNzIzNzQxYzUxODlmNmE0ZTMwM2YyYjlkMjhkM2U0ZDEyODliZDYxZGQiCn0="

c.) Create x-verify : 

Logic of calculation : SHA256(only base64 encoded str+ "/v3/service/auth/access" + salt key) + ### + salt index

1. salt key and salt index will be always unique which will be shared by the PhonePe team for each merchant. 

Suppose the key and index are : {'keyIndex': 1, 'key': '427560aa-5c48-462c-9c93-e45efefc3875'}

2. Calculate the SHA256 using the link as :

SHA256 of (ewoJImdyYW50VG9rZW4iOiJHUlRlMDk4YmQ1NDAxNzY3NTd5YmJuaHU4NzkxMjVlYmVjNzIzNzQxYzUxODlmNmE0ZTMwM2YyYjlkMjhkM2U0ZDEyODliZDYxZGQiCn0=/v3/service/auth/access427560aa-5c48-462c-9c93-e45efefc3875) is equal to 


x-verify : 7D229AB125302FE5BAB6C2D35AB257FE0B418598DBFC1A0DA12E617D131D9282###1

3. Headers : 

x-verify : 7D229AB125302FE5BAB6C2D35AB257FE0B418598DBFC1A0DA12E617D131D9282###1
x-client-id: <MID shared by the PhonePe integration team>
content-type: application/json
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-client-id: <MID shared by the PhonePe integration team>' \
  -H 'x-verify: 53D6A504A597688B09CC23140A533F6EDDF406DC13F6E8B0D26857A792ED9268###1' \
  -d '{"request":"ewogICJncmFudFRva2VuIjoiR1JUOTcxNTY0M2NiZWQ2YmJiMzlkY2Q1ZjUzOTExNmRiMzUzZTcwOWI0YjA4NzI4NGE4OThmZGRjNTFhN2VjMGM5ZiIKfQ=="}'
Response : 

    "success": true,
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
        "accessToken": "AUTHca12ab41b97bea5268e65593ab2a1cc697338a656e8",
        "expiresInSeconds": 1800

Calling Get User details API (Backend API)

e.) Using access token from above API, user details are fetched by calling getUserDetails API

Creating Curl GET request : 

a.) URL :

b.) Create x-verify : 

Logic of calculation : SHA256(/v3/service/userdetails + salt key) + ### + salt index

1. salt key and salt index will be always unique which will be shared by the PhonePe team for each merchant. 

Suppose the key and index are : {'keyIndex': 1, 'key': '427560aa-5c48-462c-9c93-e45efefc3875'}

2. Calculate the SHA256 using the link as :

SHA256 of (/v3/service/userdetails427560aa-5c48-462c-9c93-e45efefc3875) is equal to 


x-verify : 0F8B5CFEA573998562D960FDD504819DC9544091D699412E3EBC4F2653B056E9###1

3. Headers : 

x-verify : 7D229AB125302FE5BAB6C2D35AB257FE0B418598DBFC1A0DA12E617D131D9282###1
x-client-id: <MID shared by the PhonePe integration team>
content-type: application/json
x-access-token : <Token which was fetched using the access token API>
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-access-token: AUTHa859ede5a5e2c4ed78f2534a72e8ebe4bb1e47322ca61ae6644316976f7d230d' \
  -H 'x-verify: 0F8B5CFEA573998562D960FDD504819DC9544091D699412E3EBC4F2653B056E9###1'
  Response : 
    "success": true,
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
        "name": "Anurag",
        "phoneNumber": "9888888888"

Incase of email is shared 

   "success": true,
   "code": "SUCCESS",
   "data": {
       "name": "Rohit Kumar",
       "phoneNumber": "9888888888",
       "primaryEmail": "[email protected]",
       "isEmailVerified": true

You can find the POSTMAN code here.

Step 4 : Check the flow inside PhonePe testing builds

f.) Download the PhonePe build(APK/IPA) and test the method inside the PhonePe APP. How to do the same can be found here.

All the PhonePe Switch client-side methods can be tested inside the PhonePe App. The method will not work on the web browser.